Source code for flapjack_stack.flapjack_stack

import logging
import os
import sys
import yaml

except NameError:
    xrange = range

[docs]class Layer(object): """ A container to hold stack attributes """
[docs] def merge(self, obj): """This function merge another object's values with this instance :param obj: An object to be merged with into this layer :type obj: object """ for attribute in dir(obj): if '__' in attribute: continue setattr(self, attribute, getattr(obj, attribute))
[docs]class FlapjackStack(object): """A container to hold layers of stack attributes stored in Layer objects """ def __init__(self): """Creates a FlapjackStack instance with a bottom empty layer """ super(FlapjackStack, self).__setattr__('layers', [Layer()])
[docs] def add_layer(self, obj=None): """This function adds another empty layer (Layer) to the layers list and optionally merges a given object into this layer :param obj: An object to be merged with this layer :type obj: object """ new_layer = Layer() if obj: new_layer.merge(obj) self.layers.append(new_layer)
[docs] def add_layer_from_file(self, filename): """This function calls all supported file type handlers which in turn populate a new empty layer (Layer) the provided file's contents :param filename: The name of a file to read :type filename: string """ self.add_layer_from_py_file(filename) self.add_layer_from_yaml_file(filename)
[docs] def add_layer_from_py_file(self, filename): """This function implements loading a Python file and populating a new empty layer (Layer) with its contents :param filename: The name of a file to read :type filename: string """ if filename.endswith('.py'): try: path, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(filename)) sys.path.append(path) filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] stack = __import__(filename, fromlist=['*'],) except ImportError:"Could not import stack from %s" % filename) return self.add_layer() for attribute in dir(stack): setattr(self, attribute, getattr(stack, attribute)) sys.path.pop() del sys.modules[filename] del stack
[docs] def add_layer_from_yaml_file(self, filename): """This function implements loading a YAML file and populating a new empty layer (Layer) with its contents :param filename: The name of a file to read :type filename: string """ if filename.endswith(('.yaml', '.yml')): file_stream = None try: file_stream = open(os.path.abspath(filename), 'r') stack = yaml.safe_load(file_stream) self.add_layer() for attribute in stack: setattr(self, attribute, stack[attribute]) del stack except (TypeError, IOError):"Could not import stack from %s" % filename) finally: if file_stream: file_stream.close()
[docs] def remove_layer(self): """ Removes the top layer (right most) of the layers :returns: the top layer (right most) of the layers as a Layer :rtype: object """ self.layers.pop()
def __getattr__(self, attr): """This function reads through the layers from top to bottom returning the first occurrence of the requested attribute :param attr: An attribute name :type attr: string :returns: The value of the attribute :rtype: object """ num_layers = len(self.layers) for i in reversed(xrange(num_layers)): obj = self.layers[i] if hasattr(obj, attr): val = getattr(self.layers[i], attr) if i != num_layers - 1: setattr(self.layers[-1], attr, val) return val raise AttributeError("%s is not an attribute" % attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): """This function sets the supplied attribute to the supplied value at the top most layer :param attr: An attribute name :type attr: string :param value: The value to which the attribute should be set :type value: object """ super(Layer, self.layers[-1]).__setattr__(attr, value)
[docs] def get_attributes(self): """This function through the layers from top to bottom, and creates a list of all the attributes found :returns: A list of all the attributes names :rtype: list """ attributes = [] for i in reversed(xrange(len(self.layers))): obj = self.layers[i] stack_attributes = [attribute for attribute in obj.__dict__.keys() if not attribute.startswith('__') and not attribute.endswith('__')] attributes = attributes + stack_attributes return list(set(attributes))
[docs] def add_layer_from_env(self): """This function creates a new layer, gets a list of all the current attributes, and attempts to find matching environment variables with the prefix of FJS\_. If matches are found it sets those attributes in the new layer. """ self.add_layer() for attribute in self.get_attributes(): env_attribute = os.environ.get('FJS_{}'.format(attribute)) if env_attribute: setattr(self, attribute, env_attribute)